Moderation Features

Community BrAIngent Features

BrAIngent enhances your Web3 experience with a diverse set of features, including automated project detail queries, dynamic learning from pinned posts, and the ability to generate jokes, poems, and images. It also offers translation and voice recognition in any language you desire.

All our community features are designed for simplicity, enabling you to execute any function with a single command: /ai.

Simply type /ai followed by your specific request.

Main Features

  • Translate Languages: Communicate effortlessly with anyone, anywhere.

/ai please translate this text into chinese: This is an example
  • Generate Images: Create stunning visuals tailored to your needs. with /image

/image 2 dogs on a tropical island 
  • Send Voice Messages: Deliver voice messages in any language, and ask BrAinGent your question regarding the project.

  • Dynamic Learning: Automatically learn and expand the database through pinned posts.

  • Summarize Information: Get concise summaries of the latest information from pinned posts.

/ai please summarize the last 3 pinned posts
  • Creative Expressions: Generate poems, jokes, or compliments in any language you desire.

  • Guided and Expert Modes: Choose between guided assistance for ease of use or expert mode for advanced functionalities.

  • Customize your response style: Select from a variety of characters.

You can use BrAIngent in both group chats and personal messages. For community discussions and updates, join us at @BraingentGroup.

Last updated