How to use Chat Modes

Quick guide for using @BrainGentBot as an individual in your daily AI-powered tasks.

  1. Start the Bot: - Send a message to @BrAIngentBot on Telegram. - Type /start to begin interacting.

  2. Enter the Menu: Use the 🧠Enter BrAIngent Menu🧠button in the GUI or type /menu

  3. Choose text based AI-Model: Use Basic BrAIn (GPT-3.5) or Boosted BrAIn (GPT-4o): - Type the command /settings.

  4. Choose in 10 category up to 100 different modes: - Type the command /mode

  5. Start asking questions and get information, guidance or entertainment.

Visualization: Chat Categorys

Visualization: Chat Modes (Example Influential Personalities)

Last updated